Inside Elemmir - Focus on Emotion and Keep It Simple

In the video below, filmmaker David Delaney Mayer emphasizes the importance of simplicity and focus when planning video content for B2B tech marketing.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

1. Keep Goals Simple and Singular

  • Avoid Long Lists: A lengthy list of objectives leads to diluted messaging. Videos, unlike other formats like white papers or case studies, require a streamlined focus because viewers engage with them linearly and watch them only once.

  • Stick to One Core Idea: A single, clear message is more memorable and impactful. Attempting to cover too many points risks losing the audience's attention and understanding.

2. Understand Video’s Unique Consumption Pattern

  • Linear Engagement: Unlike written content, which audiences can revisit or absorb over time, videos are consumed in a single pass.

  • Limited Attention Span: You only get one chance to make an impression, so ensure the message is clear and engaging from the start. The first 3 seconds are everything.

3. Be Specific, Not Generic

  • Avoid Generic Content: Broad, all-encompassing videos tend to bore or confuse viewers. Focus on delivering a targeted, specific message that resonates.

  • Spark Relevance: Even if the video isn’t directly targeted to every viewer, specificity can still evoke interest. For example, a CEO might see the relevance of content aimed at receptionists.

4. Define the Emotional Response

  • Target Audience Persona: Understand who the video is for and tailor it to their perspective and needs.

  • Desired Feelings: Determine what emotional response you want the viewer to have, whether it’s excitement, trust, or confidence, in relation to your product or partnership.

By distilling the message, aligning it with the audience’s perspective, and focusing on a desired emotional outcome, B2B tech marketers increase their chances of making impactful, memorable video content.


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Inside Elemmir - 2024 By the Numbers and an essay on “The Dignity of Work”